Pet Portraits
Pet Portraits by Robin K all started when a friend asked me to paint her dog. Having been a digital illustrator for years, I was excited to paint by hand with a brush and not a mouse. Once I finished and delivered the painting - I was hooked! The joy I give and receive from painting your fur baby is better than any award I have earned from my commercial work. Pure Joy! I paint with detail and expressive color to capture the personality of your pet. Each gallery quality canvas is 1.5" deep with finished edges. No frames are needed. I ship just about anywhere.
Painting of Frenchie in Central Part
Hand painted custom pet portrait of white French bulldog in Central Park on canvas
hand painted realistic painting of 2 Birman Cats
Hand painted realistic pet portrait of two Birman Cats on canvas
Realistic Alpaca painting on canvas
hand painted realistic black and white alpaca painting on canvas
Sunset dogs painting
Hand painted golden retriever and golden doodle at the beach at sunset
Custom hand painted pet portrait of 3 Rottweilers and a Bouvier
Commissioned Custom hand painted pet portrait of 3 Rottweilers and a Bouvier
Hand painted custom cat portrait
Commissioned hand painted pet portrait of cat on canvas
European German Shepherd pet portrait painting
hand painted on gallery style canvas of European German Shepherd pet portrait painting
Custom hand painted pet portrait of two collies on canvas
Hand painted pet portrait of two collies on gallery style canvas
Hand painted pet portrait on canvas of terrier mix dog
Hand painted pet Portrait of dog on gallery style canvas by Robin K Art
Hand Painted Pet Portrait of two cats
Hand painted custom pet portrait of two cats on deep gallery style canvas.
Custom hand painted German Shepherd on canvas
Custom hand painted German Shepherd pet portrait on gallery style canvas
hand painted Texas cow on gallery style canvas
Custom hand painted Texas cow portrait on canvas
Hand Painted Pet Portrait of white cream shitzu on canvas
Custom hand painted pet portrait on canvas
Hand painted portrait of black shitzu on canvas
Custom hand painted pet portrait of black shitzu on gallery style canvas.
Hand painted pet portrait of Husky against Fort Funston background
Custom hand painted pet portrait of Husky against Fort Funston background
Hand painted pet portrait of teacup Yorkie
Custom hand painted pet portrait of teacup Yorkshire terrier on gallery style deep canvases.
custom hand painted Cat in window pet portrait
Commissioned hand painted cat pet portrait on gallery style canvas
handprinted labradoodle
Custom hand painted pet portrait of French bulldog
Hand painted pet portrait of Frenchie on canvas
Custom Hand Painted Pet Portrait of Spaniel
Pet portrait of Field Spaniel on a deep gallery canvas
Hand painted pet portrait of terrier mix dog
Custom hand painted pet portrait of Terrier mix dog on gallery style canvas
hand painted pet portrait of white poodle
Hand painted white poodle on gallery style canvas
Custom Hand Painted Pet Portrait of blonde Labrador
Hand painted pet portrait of blonde lab on gallery style canvas
Hand painted Pet Portrait of Welsh Corgi
Custom hand painted pet portrait of Welsh Corgi
Hand painted pet portrait of Poochon poodle Bichon mix on canvas
Custom pet portrait painting of poodle Bichon mix on canvas.
Hand Painted Pet Portraits by Robin K of two Labs
Custom hand painted pet portrait of two Labradors
Custom hand painted pet portrait of German Shepherd on canvas
Custom hand painted pet portrait by Robin K of a German Shepherd on gallery style canvas.
Custom hand painted goat by Robin K Art
Hand painted goat painting on canvas by Robin K Art
Hand painted pet portrait of two minischnauzers dogs
Custom pet portrait of two mini schnauzers on canvas
Pet Portrait of Maine Coon
Custom hand painted pet portrait of Maine Coon cat.
Custom Hand painted pet portrait of two dachshunds
Hand painted pet portraits of long haired dachshunds
Pet Portrait of chocolate labrador retriever
Custom hand painted pet portrait of Ranger the chocolate lab
Hand painted pet portrait of French Bulldogs
Custom hand painted pet Portrait of two Frenchies
hand painted pet portrait of black labradoodle on canvas
Custom hand painted pet portrait of black labradoodle
Hand Painted custom pet portrait of Six Rescue Dogs
Hand painted custom pet portrait of 6 rescue dogs
Hand painted custom pet portrait on canvas
Custom hand painted pet portrait of dog on gallery style canvas
Hand painted pet portrait of Sheepadoodle on gallery style canvas
Custom Hand painted dog portrait of Sheepadoodle on canvas
Custom Pet Portrait of Bearded Dragon
Hand painted bearded dragon lizard painting on canvas
Hand painted pet portrait of golden doodle and rag doll cat
Custom hand painted pet portrait of golden doodle and rag doll cat
Pet Portrait of German Shepherd
Custom hand painted pet painting of German Shepherd dog
Rescue Cats and Dogs painting by Pet Portraits by Robin K
hand painted custom pet portrait of multiple cats and dogs
Hand painted pet portrait of poodle dog
Custom hand painted pet portrait of miniature poodle dog
Hand painted portrait of tropical bird on canvas
Custom hand painted pet Portrait of parakeet
custom hand painted siamese cats portraits
Pet portrait of two siamese cats on a deep gallery canvas
Custom hand painted on gallery style deep canvas of Cezza, the Golden Retriever
Hand painted pet portrait of golden retriever .
Crowley pet
Hand painted custom pet portrait of a Husky mix dog, Himalayan cat & Rag doll rescue cat
Custom Hand Painted Poodle
Pet portrait of black poodle on a deep gallery canvas
Pet Portrait of cairn terrier
Custom hand painted pet portrait of cairn terrier Django.
Pet Portrait of Stormy and Dita, Corgi and Schnauzer mix
Hand painting custom pet portrait of tricks-colored corgi and black schnauzer mix, on gallery style 1.5” deep canvas
Pet Portrait of Brindle German Shepherd
Custom hand painted pet portrait of German Shepherd dog Klaus
Custom Pet Portrait of Rescue dog
Hand painted pet portrait of rescue dog Cupcake for Jackson’s Place, in Houston Texas.
Oliver the blonde Labrador
Hand painted pet portrait of Blonde Labrador retriever
Hand painted pet portrait
Custom hand painted pet portrait of beautiful dog. Acrylic on deep gallery style canvas.
Custom hand painted horse portrait
Hand painted horse on deep gallery style canvas
Custom hand painted Gouldian Finch portrait
Pet Portrait of bird on deep gallery canvas
Custom Hand Painted Doberman Pinscher
Pet portrait of Doberman Pinscher on a deep gallery canvas
Custom pet portrait of white boxer, Lola
Hand painted custom pet portrait of white boxer
Hand painted custom pet portrait of black German Shepherd
Hand painted custom pet portrait of black German Shepherd
Custom hand painted cat portrait
Pet portraits of Layla the cat on deep gallery canvas
Hand painted portrait of Honey Dun horse
Custom hand painted pet portrait of dun horse
Pet portrait of black dog
Custom hand painted pet portrait of rescue lab shepherd mix black dog
see me paint Canjun in a time laps video on my YouTube channel
Hand painted pet portrait of Great Dane
Custom hand painted pet portrait of Great Dane for Jackson’s Place unleashed pet resort in Houston, TX
Custom pet portrait of black toy poodle, Scarlett
Hand painted pet portrait of black toy poodle
Custom hand painted Orange Field English Setter portrait
Hand painted English Setter dog on deep gallery style canvas
Pet Portrait of Havanese dog
Custom hand painted pet portrait of Lola the Havanese
Pet Portrait of Terrier Mix Rescue Dog
Custom hand painted pet painting of rescue dog
two pomchi pups
Custom pet portraits of Pomchi pups, Bella and Izzy
Pet Portrait of Pit Mix Dog
Custom hand painted pet portrait of Pit Bull Mix
Hand painted custom pet portrait of a beagle
Hand painted Pinto horse
Hand painted custom pet portrait of a pinto horse in the snow